The Section 8 Ghetto
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

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Online Event: Understanding and Implementing Enterprise's Disaster Staffing Toolkit | September 17

The Ready to Respond: Disaster Staffing Toolkit guides affordable multifamily housing organizations in developing comprehensive disaster resilience plans. This second online event will dive deeper into the process of developing a preparedness plan and the responsibilities of the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator (EPC) and each Disaster Response Role. It is recommended for affordable housing owners and operators, housing directors, asset managers and those interested in disaster preparedness planning. Register here.

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Housing Segregation 101 
By Peter Dreier, Occidental College
The Section 8 program won't help break down residential segregation if there aren't enough suburban apartments to rent. It would be like giving people food stamps when the supermarket shelves are empty . . . More 

How *To* Connect Health and Community Development
By Doug Jutte and Renee Roy Elias, Build Healthy Places Network
A recent Rooflines post urged practitioners to not connect health and community development by moralizing public health campaigns aimed at the poor. Here are some clear ideas, and examples, of how *to* connect the
two . . . More 


Katrina Before and After: Two Films that Take You There

By Miriam Axel-Lute, Shelterforce 

I couldn't get to the Gulf Coast last week for the Katrina anniversary observations, and used film to bring myself closer. First, I watched the amazing
Come Hell or High Water, which starts several years before Katrina in the small coastal Mississippi town of Turkey Creek, where an unusual alliance of poor descendants of liberated slaves and environmentalist formed . . . More 

What Exactly Makes a Structure a "Home?"   
By Doug Ryan, CFED 

Slapping a real estate designation on a 28' x 48' structure does not magically make it a home. A 4.875 percent, 30-year fixed-rate loan won't, on its own, do it either . . . More 


You Said It!

"I think a more even regional distribution of permanently affordable and denser middle class housing combined with better public transit infrastructure will lead to better outcomes for a wider range of neighborhoods across the Bay Area, will reduce some of the concentrated poverty we find in tougher neighborhoods, and will still allow for places to keep a culture or sense of place relatively intact." -- Ener on The Gentrification Vaccine

"I find that Thomas Edsell's article totally misrepresented the argument and made it seem there is unlimited resources that can be devoted to poverty. In fact, there are limited resources. You build more in higher cost and richer areas, you get less affordable housing units and low income families impacted.  Less money will then go to the poorer areas, where poverty could become even more severe.    Eventually, we will look like parts of South America were slums surround pockets of rich areas.  Yes, this sounds extreme but it is very possible when "feelings" overtake "fiscal reality". -- Christopher C. on Segregation Conversation Goes National

Looking for a Job?

Assistant Professor, Urban & Environmental Policy Department, Occidental College

President and CEO, Baltimore Community Lending


Membership Director, National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations

Executive Director, Community Partners for Affordable Housing

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Transit Equity Network/Gamaliel

Housing Assistance Council

Regional Housing Legal Services

USC Price School of Public Policy

Janis Bowdler
JPMorgan Chase & Co.

HOPE Credit Union

Burlington Associates

Democracy Collaborative

Tufts University

Fund for Public Schools

Lisa Hodges
Hodges Development, LLC

Planner, Louisa County, Va.

National CAPACD

Opportunity Agenda

Tulane University

National Housing Institute

Habitat for Humanity


ACLU Maryland

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities  

San Francisco Community 
Land Trust

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Harold Simon

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Shelterforce Weekly 
60 S. Fullerton Avenue, Suite 202
Montclair, NJ 07042
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Miriam Axel-Lute

Keli Tianga
Associate Editor