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Conflict and Placemaking in Chicago's Humboldt Park
By Daniel Kravetz
Community "third places" tend to bring people together, but in one gentrifying Chicago neighborhood, a historic mural may be expanding the gulf between old and new residents . . . More
Three Ways Your City Can Prosper by Embracing Equity
By Sarah Treuhaft, PolicyLink
While 92 percent of city mayors said economic conditions improved in the past year, large numbers also reported an increase in demand for food and shelter, an increase in homelessness, and a decrease in housing affordability. So-- how are urban economies coming back? . . . More
"Ownership doesn't make a structure a home--the people who live there make it a home. Every house I've ever lived in as a long-term renter--I've considered it my landlord's house, but my home. I've raised my son here, I've made memories here, laughed and cried. The only difference is that I'm not responsible if the roof or an appliance decides to go kablooey. We need to quit drawing a line between renters and homeowners--neither is a guarantee against a bad neighbor, and neither is a determining factor in community involvement or stability. A home, like anything else in life, is what you make it." -- Carol Ott on Better Loans, Better Laws: Showing Communities What "Home" Looks Like.
On Segregation Conversation Goes National:
"The critique that fewer affordable housing units will be produced should be directed at this redevelopment paradigm, not at efforts to open up exclusionary areas and to meet the demand of very low-income people of color for affordable housing in safer neighborhoods with good schools." -- Barbara Samuels
". . . regional, state and federal resources have to be applied to redevelop disinvested areas. These dollars, though, should not be restricted to building low income housing. These communities deserve investments in housing, commerce and public facilities, we just shouldn't put all the pressure on LIHTC, HOPE VI, etc. to revitalize these communities." -- Nate Lichti
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Transit Equity Network/Gamaliel
Housing Assistance Council
Regional Housing Legal Services
USC Price School of Public Policy
Janis Bowdler
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
HOPE Credit Union
Burlington Associates
Democracy Collaborative
Tufts University
Fund for Public Schools
Planner, Louisa County, Va.
National CAPACD
Daniel Kravetz
Tulane University
National Housing Institute
Habitat for Humanity
ACLU Maryland
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
San Francisco Community
Land Trust