
Showing posts from February 18, 2015

MSHDW NEWS: 2/18/15

Good morning!  Please view the updates below.  Contact me with any questions and/or concerns.  I'm always glad to assist.  Thank you for your continued participation and support!    New Member: Harford County (CoC Lead) Welcome to our group, Tara Lathrop! Congrats on your retirement, Wanda Bohla!    2015 Point in Time Reports  For our 5th year in a row, we are requesting PIT data to compile state-wide reports Same as last year, please email me the following by 4/30/15 (same as HUDHDX due date) HUDHDX PDF: PIT Homeless Population HUDHDX PDF: PIT Subpopulations HUDHDX PDF: PIT Veterans    MSHDW Contact Lists (updated) Visit our MSHDW page to view updated contacts sorted by All Members + CoC Leads + HMIS Leads  ---> hover over " resources " link at top ---> select " maryland (mshdw) " ---> view " info " section on right Contact List (All Members) Contact List (CoC Leads) Conta...

HUD Extends Deadline for the National Disaster Resilience Competition to March 27, 2015

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD Extends Deadline for the National Disaster Resilience Competition to March 27, 2015 Today HUD extended the deadline for the National Disaster Resilience Competition (NDRC) from March 16, 2015, to March 27, 2015. The notification of the extension has been posted to .