
Showing posts from March 5, 2015

The case against private education: Why we put our kids in public school

It’s chaotic, academically less rigorous and far less nurturing. It's also giving my children challenges they need JESSICA GREGG (Credit:  fernandogarciaesteban  via  iStock /Salon) Just over two years ago, my husband and I pulled our children out of private school and sent them into the wilds of public education. Now, as they settle into their third year in our neighborhood schools, we can confidently report the following: 1) Our public schools are more chaotic, more bureaucratically rigid, and far less nurturing and creative than the lovely little private school my children once attended; 2) our children are less academically challenged than they were in private school; 3) despite points 1 and 2, above, we’ll keep them where they are. We left the private school system because we were stressed, in all kinds of ways.  As soon as we stopped paying two private school tuitions, I was able to quit my second job and we stopped constantly worrying about money....

SAMHSA News: Managing Chronic Pain and Medication Misuse

--> Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser . Winter 2015 Managing Chronic Pain and Medication Misuse Learn how health care providers are using new tools to help patients manage chronic pain while limiting long-term health risks and without misusing addicting medications. Also in This Issue Suicide and Middle-Aged Men The death of Robin Williams shocked the nation and raised awareness about the growing concern of suicide by middle-aged men. But mental health experts are embarking on new strategies to prevent and work more effectively with this population. Integrating Substance Use Assessment in Health Care Health care workers are using a new SAMHSA online course to learn how to identify substance misuse better among their patients. Not for Human Consumption: Spice and Bath Salts Spice and bath salts might look...

Innovations in Ending Family and Youth Homelessness

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here 'We must never accept homelessness as a part of American life.'  - Secretary  Julián Castro,  U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development March 5, 2015 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián...