
Showing posts from May 14, 2015

Determining Homeless Eligibility

​Below is standard guidance given to recipients that are dealing with this eligibility issues: " To be served in HUD's Homeless Assistance Programs, projects funded under the Continuum of Care (CoC) or Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Programs, a household must meet the eligibility criteria under the specific program and applicable component type. Staff must document a client's homelessness status at intake into the project, and should follow HUD's stated preferred order for documentation (see section 578.103(a)(3) for more information about recordkeeping requirements for documenting homeless status in the CoC Program interim rule and section 576.500(b) in the ESG Program interim rule). HUD understands that once a household has been determined eligible and enrolled in a CoC Program-funded permanent housing program, including both rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing, a unit is not always immediately available—sometimes because the waiting ...