
Showing posts from July 6, 2015

MSHDW News 07/06/15 (w/2015 MD PIT Report)

Listed below are recent news and updates.  As always, we are very grateful for your continued support.  Your efforts assist us with providing the necessary awareness, collaboration, and funding opportunities for our current/future programs.  If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact Team HMIS at 410-887-5968.  We're glad to assist! Employment Opportunities Point in Time 2015 Maryland & CoC's   (draft #3) Please review carefully, and inform me of any errors/omissions. Note that the last 2 pages contain comparisons to the last 3 PIT years where sheltered + unsheltered counts were required. Program Guidelines + Updates : The guides below were researched, highlighted, and outlined by my teammate, Sam! Prioritizing Chronically Homeless + Housing First (outline + guides) RHY HMIS Guidance SSVF : When reporting placement rates to your local VA Medical Center, data must match the HMIS placement data.  Do not self-report placemen...

Baltimore County HMIS News 7/6/15

Listed below are recent HMIS news and updates.  As always, we are very grateful for your continued support.  Your efforts assist us with providing the necessary awareness, collaboration, and funding opportunities for our current/future programs.  If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact Team HMIS at 410-887-5968.  We're glad to assist! *HMIS Monthly Report Card  (housing) *HMIS Monthly Report Card  (services ) Employment Opportunities Point in Time 2015 Maryland & CoC's Ribbon Cutting Events: Mary Harvey + West Side Shelter Jason Burns, MCSE Systems Administrator 443-574-HMIS 410-887-5968 Always use our manuals. NEVER guess! Proper data saves hours!  F orums   *  News   *  Report Cards   *   Support   *   Training   *   U nsubscribe

Save the Date: Emergency Solutions Grants Program: Using IDIS for Financial Management Webinar - July 23, 2015 - 2:00 PM EDT

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Save the Date: Emergency Solutions Grants Program: Using IDIS for Financial Management Webinar - July 23, 2015 - 2:00 PM EDT This presentation is the first of three webinars designed to provide an overview of how recipients can use IDIS for effective financial management of their Emergency Solutions Grants program. This introductory webinar reviews the implementation of Grant Based Accounting principles for ESG, highlights the key ESG financial management capabilities of IDIS data, identifies the components of ESG financial management reports in IDIS, and be...

REMINDER - Webinar: Breaking the Cycle of Incarceration and Homelessness Among Veterans

Webinar: Breaking the Cycle of Incarceration and Homelessness Among Veterans Wednesday, July 8 at 1:00 p.m. EDT There is a high prevalence of criminal justice system involvement among veterans experiencing homelessness, with some estimates indicating that as many as one-half of all veterans experiencing homelessness are involved in the justice system. Strategies to end veteran homelessness must therefore also encompass efforts to address and reduce justice system involvement. One starting point for this is to include criminal justice settings as part of the locations where veterans experiencing and at-risk of homelessness are identified and engaged, spanning every step in the criminal justice process, from arrest to reintegration back to society. Some key approaches include: In-reach efforts into jails and prisons as communities identify and engage all ...