
Showing posts from August 13, 2015

The Federal Government Says Being Homeless Should Not Be A Crime

Prosecuting people for sleeping in public "violates their constitutional rights." Ryan J. Reilly Justice Reporter, The Huffington Post WASHINGTON -- Laws that make it a crime for homeless people to sleep in public places even when there isn't enough room for them at a shelter unconstitutionally punish the homeless, lawyers for the Obama administration said in a court filing on Thursday. The federal government took this position against so-called anti-camping laws in an ongoing case against the city of Boise, Idaho, which has enforced ordinances banning sleeping in public spaces and ended up convicting homeless plaintiffs. Attorneys in the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division argued that "the conduct of sleeping in a public place is indistinguishable from the status of homelessness" and that it should be "uncontroversial that punishing conduct that is a universal and unavoidable consequence of being human" viol...

Webinar: Bullying Prevention and Suicide Prevention for Schools

--> Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser . View the Webinar: Bullying Prevention and Suicide Prevention for Schools SAMHSA and the American School Health Association presented a webinar titled " Bullying Prevention and Suicide Prevention for Schools: A Digital Approach From SAMHSA ." The webinar provided an overview of the risk and impact of bullying and suicide in school-aged children and highlighted the connection between these public health issues and the "whole child" concept. The webinar showcased SAMHSA's mobile applications— KnowBullying and Suicide Safe —and other key resources as tools to promote bullying prevention and suicide prevention in schools. View the Webinar      

New Date: Grant Based Accounting for HOPWA Grantees Webinar - August 17, 2015 - 2:00 PM EDT

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . New Date: Grant Based Accounting for HOPWA Grantees Webinar - August 17, 2015 - 2:00 PM EDT This webinar to be held on August 17, 2015, is designed for HOPWA grantees as an introduction to grant based accounting principles and practices. Participants will learn: The reason for the change to Grant Based Accounting for FY 2015 and beyond   How the “Division of Funding Sources” will operate in IDIS including setting up projects, activities, and funding of activities   The mechanics of revising vouchers   The impact of expenditur...