
Showing posts from August 19, 2015

HIV Housing Care Continuum Pre-Meeting Webinar

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HIV Housing Care Continuum Pre-Meeting Webinar In collaboration with HUD’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing and the National AIDS Housing Coalition, Collaborative Solutions, Inc. has been tasked with carrying out a comprehensive Technical Assistance (TA) initiative that will include a series of regional meetings focused on building the capacity of Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) grantees to create HIV housing care continuums in their communities. By building HIV housing care continuums, HOPWA providers will be able to demonstrate the proportion o...

EMPLOYMENT OPP: Exec Director @ Journey Home (Baltimore, MD)

Greetings Provider Community, As many of you already know, Adrienne Breidenstine, Executive Director of the Journey Home, will be transitioning away from her position at the end of August to accept a position at Behavioral Health Systems Baltimore as the Director of Baltimore City’s Opioid Overdose Prevention and Treatment. Baltimore City is grateful the leadership she provided to The Journey Home and her commitment to uniting stakeholders across our City to make homelessness rare and brief. The City is looking to fill the role of Executive Director of the Journey Home and has posted the position on The Journey Home and Baltimore City websites. The job posting is also attached to this e-mail. Interested candidates should apply by September 14. Best,   Danielle Meister Continuum of Care Coordinator Homeless Services Program Mayor’s Office of Human Services 7 E. Redwood Street – 5 th Floor Baltimore, MD  21202 Phone:  443-984-4033 da...