
Showing posts from October 9, 2015

Release of ESG CAPER Materials: eCart Tool, Guidebook, and Webinar Information

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Release of ESG CAPER Materials: eCart Tool, Guidebook, and Webinar Information These new requirements are applicable for all 2015 CAPER submissions (beginning October 1, 2015) and only affect screen CR-65. eCart Tool and Guidebook The ESG-CAPER Annual Reporting Tool (eCart) is now posted on the HUD Exchange along with the Emergency Solutions Grant CAPER Reporting and eCart Guide , which is located on the first tab of eCart. Starting with their 2015 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation (CAPER) submissions in October, ESG recipients will report ag...

HUD Releases New Guidance Document: Determining Homeless Status of Youth | USICH Announces Upcoming Webinar

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD Releases New Guidance Document: Determining Homeless Status of Youth | USICH Announces Upcoming Webinar This week, HUD issued a new guidance document, Determining Homeless Status of Youth , to help providers determine and document homeless status for youth. This document is designed to ensure that youth are not being erroneously turned away from Continuum of Care (CoC) or Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program housing and services. The document utilizes hypothetical scenarios to help providers understand how youth meet HUD’s definition of homelessness an...

Federal Court: Panhandling Carries a Message of Poverty, Homelessness

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