
Showing posts from December 10, 2015

Preparing for Your 2016 Housing Inventory Count & Point-in-Time Count: Webinar Recording and Additional PIT Count Planning Tools Posted

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Preparing for Your 2016 Housing Inventory Count & Point-in-Time Count: Webinar Recording and Additional PIT Count Planning Tools Posted On December 2, 2015, HUD hosted a webinar on preparing for the 2016 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) count. The webinar covered the 2016 Notice for HIC and PIT Data Collection for Continuum of Care (CoC) and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Programs . It highlighted the new reporting requirements and data collection guidance for the 2016 HIC and PIT counts and answered audience-posed questions. The rec...

The Voice of Community Development

  Dear Friends and Colleagues, As the year draws to a close, we want to take a moment to thank you for the support you've given us and ask you to consider an end-of-year donation to keep Shelterforce and the work we do strong and growing. For 40 years Shelterforce has provided the information, inspiration, and connection we all need to do our work better tomorrow than today and to believe in a vision that allows us to get up everyday and do that work no matter the setbacks. Shelterforce stands alone as a community development publication written for and by you--practitioners, policymakers, funders, and advocates on the front line of community development and neighborhood revitalization. It is the one independent magazine that covers community development comprehensively, from affordable housing to economic development, from arts and culture to transp...