Repository Upload Period Changes


During the 1/21/16 SSVF National Call, SSVF Program Office staff notified attendees of a change in the Repository period, effective February 1st. Previous to this change, the Repository has remained open for the first five business days of each month to accept data uploads from all grantees.

Effective Feb. 1, 2016, the following schedule and expectations will be implemented:

1) Business Days 1-3: Grantees upload their program(s)' HMIS data to the Repository. Data must be uploaded during this time to be considered on time.

2) Business Day 4: Grantees who have uploaded will receive Data Quality Reports from the Repository by email.

3) Business Days 5-10: The Repository remains open to accept uploads of corrected data.

4) Business Day 10, midnight, your local time: Repository closes for the month. VA pulls SSVF data for national reporting to leadership.

5) Business Day 11: Grantees who uploaded again during business days 5-10 will receive another Data Quality Report by email for their most recent upload.

Please contact should you need assistance with your upload or if you have additional questions about these changes.

Thank you,
SSVF Repository Administrators