Upcoming HMIS Lead/ System Administrator Training

Good afternoon HMIS Leads/ System Administrators!

Our monthly HMIS Lead/ System Administrator webinar will be next Wednesday, January 27th. To register, please click here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1828396949618253057

This webinar will be back on our regularly scheduled time slot: the last Wednesday of the month, from 1 - 2:30 PM (eastern), and we intend to cover the following items:

  1. HUD Updates
  2. Hot topics, such as various reporting updates and Annual Assessment guidance
  3. Discussion of how the Defining "Chronically Homeless" Final Rule affects HMIS
  4. Question and Answer, as time allows

Please note that while all are welcome to attend the webinar, this forum is intended to provide HMIS Leads and System Administrators with guidance, information, and and support; therefore, the focus will be on this perspective. If you feel you have received this email in error, please don't hesitate to let me know, and I'll remove you from our list.


Dan Fox
Analyst, Housing and Community Development
Solutions for Health | Housing | Land
301-918-4400 (Main Office)
240-582-3639 (Direct)
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