VAWA/HOPWA Project Demonstration NOFA Reissued, NOFA Webcast on January 25, 2016 – 11:30 AM EST

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VAWA/HOPWA Project Demonstration NOFA Reissued, NOFA Webcast on January 25, 2016 – 11:30 AM EST

In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), HUD's Office of HIV/AIDS Housing has reissued the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Project Demonstration Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). This is a re-issuance of the VAWA/HOPWA Project Demonstration NOFA originally announced on August 24, 2015. This competition is open to States, units of local government, and nonprofits. The VAWA/HOPWA Project Demonstration has unique eligibility requirements, because successful applicants will receive two separate awards from HUD: a Transitional Housing Assistance Program award and a Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) award. Applicants should carefully review the eligibility requirements before submitting an application. Applications are due March 8, 2016. View the reissued VAWA/HOPWA Project Demonstration NOFA.
HUD will conduct a Debriefing and Pre-Application Webcast on January 25, 2016, 11:30 AM-1:00 PM EST, for anyone interested in submitting an application under the reissued VAWA/HOPWA Project Demonstration NOFA. Please be aware that this date differs from the date listed in the published NOFA. A link for the webcast will be sent out via the HOPWA mailing list the week before the webcast.
The webcast will serve as a debriefing for all applicants who applied under the original VAWA/HOPWA Project Demonstration NOFA, and as a resource for new applicants. The webcast will highlight and discuss the NOFA eligibility requirements that were particularly challenging for applicants under the original NOFA competition. Viewing the webcast is optional. Interested applicants who do not view the webcast are still eligible to apply for a grant, and will receive equal consideration for their grant applications. The webcast will be archived on the HUD website for future use if potential applicants are unable to view the live webcast.