Follow Up from Regional Call on 2/17
Hi Team,
Thanks so much for the great regional call yesterday. Attached, please find the revised agenda; please note that the original agenda that was emailed yesterday did not include the regional meeting dates for Newark or Pittsburgh. They are now added. We are also including the attachments from the 1/21 and 2/11 national webinars.
We consolidated these important resources so that you have everything in one place. Please note that almost everything that was reviewed yesterday was included in a previous national webinar. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to review the information below and use it as a reference tool to assist you with your work.
Upcoming Webinars
National Webinar: Thursday, February 25th at 2pm EST: Homelessness Prevention
· Registration Link:· Strategic allocation of Homeless Prevention funding is imperative in achieving and maintaining an end to homelessness among Veterans. In this webinar, the SSVF Program Office will review the SSVF Homeless Prevention Screening Process, discuss standardized targeting and the process of developing a Prevention Threshold score. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining
· As discussed yesterday, there was a slight date change from our standard third Thursday of the month schedule due to the National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference. Grantees started receiving notice about this webinar on January 29th. It is expected that all grantees participate.
Program Changes/Rapid Re-Housing Waiver/New Client Survey Tool Update
· January 21st National Call Recording:
· If you need a refresher or want to see the information again, please use the recording and attached slides to assist you. We are also including a quick slide reference below so that you can refer to them or that specific section in the recording.
o Intro to Revised Repository Schedule
§ Slide 4. Detailed information provided on 2/11 National Webinar.
o Intro to Quarterly Certification Process
§ Slide 5. Detailed Information provided on 2/11 National Webinar.
o Program Changes
§ Slides 6-16. This is the detailed presentation that includes expectations as well as screenshots of the form that grantees will complete in the grant management system (GIFTs).
§ Key Tips from Regional Call
· Budget revision explanations should be detailed by line item and include what, why, and by when.
· Example: A grantee is planning to make a budget modification which includes increasing OTNP from $100,000 to $105,000. Description: Our program is planning to pursue CARF accreditation. In order to do so we are adding a line item for CARF totaling $10,000 (beginning in quarter 3). Funds from supplies ($2,000) and office equipment ($3,000) will be reallocated to this line item due to underspending.
o Rapid Re-housing Waiver Request
§ Slides 22-28. This is the detailed presentation.
§ For the form, go to the SSVF website at
§ This is not completed in GIFTs.
§ Key Tips from Regional Call
· Example: Grantee serves 4 COCs, but focuses services/resources on 1 COC, with no other SSVF grantees. This COC has a master list with 227 Veterans on it (including veterans in TH programs). Based on this information, would it be appropriate for this COC to submit a RRH request? Response: No
· Example: If my program serves all or part of 8 COCs, what should my first step be to request a RRH waiver? Response: Determine the need for RRH waiver in each of the COCs my grant operates in (if not already known) and compare to available RRH resources from my grant, and all other sources.
HMIS, Data Quality Reports, Revised Repository Upload Schedule, and Quarterly Certification Process
· February 11th National Call Recording:· If you need a refresher or want to see the information again, please use the recording and attached slides to assist you. We are also including a quick slide reference below so that you can refer to them or that specific section in the recording.
o Data Quality Expectations and Data Quality Report
§ Slides 5-18
o Duplication of Services
§ Slide 19
o *Revised* Repository Upload Timeline
§ Slides 20-21
o Quarterly Certification Process
§ Slides 22-31. This is the detailed presentation that includes expectations as well as screenshots of the form that grantees will complete in the grant management system (GIFTs).
o Key Tips from Regional Call
§ If you have questions or need assistance with HMIS:
· 1. Contact your HMIS System Administrator
· 2. Contact the SSVF HMIS Help Desk at
Community Planning
· We will be working on posting summaries and analysis on the SSVF website in the near future.
Resources from Program Updates
· Resource: TRAIN – Public Health Foundation Training Site
o TRAIN is a free service of Public Health Foundation and operates through collaborative partnerships with state and federal agencies, local and national organizations, and educational institutions. Some of the Department of Veteran Affairs modules include live webcasts and web- based training on:
§ Military Culture: Core Competencies for Health Care Professionals Stressors and Resources
§ Military Culture: Core Competencies for Health Care Professionals Military Organization and Role
§ Military Culture: Core Competencies for Health Care Professionals Treatment Resources and Tools
§ TRAIN may be accessed:
§ The user must register to use the TRAIN portal and once that's accomplished, they may search for the course/s by name or keyword.
· Resource: Income and Employment Briefs
o The SSVF Program Office, in partnership with its technical assistance providers and the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV), has published a series of seven briefs specifically focused on income and employment for homeless and at-risk Veterans. There is a particular focus on how SSVF can leverage mainstream and private employment and income markets. These briefs describe a wide range of income and employment opportunities and programs for Veterans, as well as homeless and at-risk populations (more generally), and help to clarify ways in which SSVF providers can ensure access to income services in their programs. SSVF grantees are strongly encouraged to review these documents and consider how the resources and guidance could be applied to their program or community.
o Briefs may be found on the SSVF website at:
· Resource: U.S. Conference of Mayors Remarks By First Lady on Ending Veteran Homelessness
o On Thursday, January 21st, First Lady, Michelle Obama, spoke at the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter meeting. We encourage grantees and their staff to watch this inspirational message. We are so thankful for your work! The video of her remarks can be found at:
· Resource: SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) 2015 National Outcomes Webinar 2/24 at 3pm EST
o Register:
o The SOAR TA Center is thrilled to share results from the 2015 SOAR Outcomes Summary. As we have done in past years, we will share national and state data and provide community examples in areas including; initial applications, appeals, cost savings and collaborations. You will learn which states have top approval rates! Presenters will also include states that have achieved consistent outcomes and states that showed significant improvement in 2015. Presenters will share their secrets to success and explain how your community can get there, too.
o This webinar is recommended for SOAR Providers, SOAR Coordinators, SOAR Leaders and others in the community who would be interested in SOAR outcomes and successful SOAR states.
· Resource: SAMHSA CABHI Grant Opportunity
o The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) and Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), are accepting applications for FY 2016 Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals (CABHI) grants. The purpose of this jointly funded program is to enhance and/or expand the infrastructure and mental health and substance use treatment services of states and territories, local governments, and other domestic public and private nonprofit entities, federally recognized American Indian/Alaska Native tribes and tribal organizations, Urban Indian organizations, public or private universities and colleges, and community- and faith-based organizations.
o CABHI grants will increase capacity to provide accessible, effective, comprehensive, coordinated, integrated, and evidence-based treatment services; permanent supportive housing; peer supports; and other critical services for:
§ Individuals who experience chronic homelessness and have substance use disorders (SUDs), serious mental illness (SMI), serious emotional disturbance (SED), or co-occurring mental and substance use disorders (CODs); and/or
· Veterans who experience homelessness or chronic homelessness and have SUD, SMI, or COD; and/or
· Families who experience homelessness with one or more family members that have SUD, SMI, or COD; and/or
· Youth who experience homelessness and have SUD, SMI, SED, or COD.
· Applications are due March 15, 2016. For additional information, visit the CABHI Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Information page on SAMHSA's website.
Calendar/Planning Forward
· Office Hours 2/17/16 from 1:30pm-3:00pm EST
· National Call : Homeless Prevention 2/25/16 from 2pm-3:30pm EST (Note date change)
· 2nd quarter program change requests due 3/01/16
· Newark Regional Meeting 3/01/16-3/02/16 (1 day, 2 separate grantee groups)
· Repository Upload Due (February) 3/03/16
· Pittsburgh Regional Meeting 3/08/16-3/09/16 (1 day, 2 separate grantee groups)
· Quarterly Call 3/16/16 from 1:30pm-3:00pm EST?
· Philly Regional Meeting 3/16/16
· National Call 3/17/16 from 2pm-3:30pm EST
· Repository Upload Due (March) 4/05/16
· Office Hours 4/20/16 from 1:30pm-3:00pm EST
· Quarterly Certification Process 4/20/16 by COB
· National Call 4/21/16 from 2pm-3:30pm EST
· Community Plan Submissions Late April/Early May (Date TBD)
· Repository Upload Due (April) 5/04/16
*Calendar is subject to change.*
Thanks so much!
Lindsay, Bobby, and Adrienne
Adrienne Nash Meléndez, MLD
SSVF Regional Coordinator
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs