APR Submission Deadline Extension for CoC Program Grants Funded in FY 2014 and for Grants with Multi-year Grant Terms in FY2012 and FY2013

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

APR Submission Deadline Extension for CoC Program Grants Funded in FY 2014 and for Grants with Multi-year Grant Terms in FY 2012 and FY 2013

The Annual Performance Report (APR) for Continuum of Care (CoC) Program grants funded in FY 2014 is not currently available in e-snaps and will not be available by the time the first APRs are due in e-snaps because of limited resources.

HUD is granting, via this message, an extension to the APR submission deadline to all recipients for APRs for CoC Program grants funded in FY 2014. Additionally, HUD is granting an extension to all recipients who were funded for new grants with multi-year grant terms in FY 2012 or FY 2013. HUD is working on allowing multiple APRs to be submitted for those grants with multi-year grant terms.

HUD will issue a listserv when the APRs become available in e-snaps. Recipients will have 90 days from the time HUD issues that listserv to submit their APRs. Please note that this extension is only to the APR submission requirement and does not apply to an extension on anything else, including the period to expend funds.