Homelessness Update

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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded the first part of this year’s grants to local programs to end homelessness. View a complete list of all the state and local homeless projects awarded funding.

This first round of funding is $1.6 billion for “Tier 1” grants. Another $300 million for “Tier 2” grants will be released later in the spring.       
For complete details»
Join the Mayors Challenge Call
Mayors, City Staff, Stakeholders, Community Leaders and Partners are invited to join U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julian Castro and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for a discussion on the continuing commitment to end veteran homelessness and how to keep the momentum alive.

Date: Tuesday, March 15th, 2016
Time: 2:15-3:30pm EST
Call-in: 800-230-1059

Questions? Contact MayorsChallenge@hud.gov
Funders and providers alike will want to save the date for this 90 minute webinar. Director of the Homelessness Research Institute for the Alliance, Samantha Batko, and Cynthia Nagendra, Director of the Center for Capacity Building, will walk through the new guidelines, the three core components of rapid re-housing and the most promising practices for building an effective program. A Q&A session will follow.

Thursday, March 24 at 1 p.m. EST
Register today»
Alliance Youth rapid re-housing Learning Community Needs You
The Alliance is developing a national youth rapid re-housing learning community.  Interested in joining?

Contact Mindy Mitchell, Alliance Program and Policy Analyst, for information about how you can get involved in this important initiative. 
New Technical Assistance Materials for LGBT Homelessness
LGBT providers looking for best practices have a new resource.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released a package of technical assistance materials for providers on its LGBT Homelessness page.

Materials include a guidebook for provider-level policies and procedures, a series of staff training scenarios, a provider-level self-assessment tool, and a community-level decision tree. 
Check out the full set of resources»
Did you miss a webinar this week? 
The Alliance posts all of its webinar recordings so that you can access them at your convenience.  Take a look at the recent posts available for viewing:

Homelessness as a State of Emergency: A joint webinar about Homelessness as a State of Emergency (SOE) by the Alliance, the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, and the US Interagency Council on Homelessness. Community representatives from Seattle/King County, Portland, and Los Angeles share what their communities hoped to accomplish with the declarations, funding directives and remaining challenges.

You can also learn more by reading our blog series and brief, Homelessness: State of Emergency.

Transforming Homeless Services in Jacksonville, Florida:
An hour dedicated to best practices for reallocating transitional housing to rapid re-housing. Community leaders from Jacksonville, Florida share their experience transforming the homeless system.
Access all Alliance webinars»
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
Homeless States of Emergency: Advocacy Strategies to Advance Permanent Solutions
by Guest Blogger, Matt Warfield, National Health Care for the Homeless Council
The National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) examines the declarations of homelessness as a state of emergency (SOE)  from nine jurisdictions to  determine whether an SOE declaration could be used as an advocacy tool to advance permanent solutions. 
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The Rapid Re-Housing Performance Benchmarks and Program Standards:  The Core Component Standards
by Jen Saunders
A closer look at the program standards, in particular, the accompanying principles and rationale behind each of the rapid re-housing core components per the the recently released Rapid Re-Housing Performance Benchmarks and Program Standards.
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Changes to VA Grant and Per Diem Program
by Kathryn Monet
The Alliance works with partners across the country to develop and implement strategies that end homelessness. Together, these strategies are resulting in significant progress toward reaching this goal. Prevent homelessness before it occurs Focus on timely returns to Permanent housing Implement evidence based strategies at the community level Strengthen the support system for vulnerable.
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About Us

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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National Alliance to End Homelessness
1518 K Street NW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20005
(Tel) 202.638.1526 (Fax) 202.638.4664
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