HUD Publishes Resources for Homeless LGBT Individuals and Families and Service Providers

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

HUD Publishes Resources for LGBT Individuals and Families and Service Providers

HUD has published a package of technical assistance materials on the LGBT Homelessness page.

Creating inclusive and welcoming communities is a fundamental part of HUD’s mission as America’s housing agency. The materials aid providers in implementing the best practices highlighted in Notice CPD-15-02: Appropriate Placement for Transgender Persons in Single-Sex Emergency Shelters and Other Facilities and requirements in the Equal Access Rule, including staff training and changes to program design.

These materials include a guidebook for provider-level policies and procedures, series of staff training scenarios, provider-level self-assessment tool, and community-level decision tree. Together, these materials will help providers adopt requirements and best practices and determine whether they have done so successfully.

If you need assistance, please submit a question to the Ask A Question (AAQ) portal to request policy clarification or guidance. Select the appropriate program - CoC: Continuum of Care, ESG: Emergency Solutions Grants, or HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS - and enter "Equal Access Rule" for the subject.
Equal Access for Transgender People Screenshot
Equal Access Training Scenarios Screenshot