Register Today: 2016 CDBG-DR Webinar Series - Various Dates

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

Register Today: 2016 CDBG-DR Webinar Series - Various Dates

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development is holding a series of webinars for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grantees that covers the basics of the program. New CDBG-DR grantees are strongly encouraged to attend these webinars and will be given priority, should the registrations exceed capacity.
The following topics will be covered in this series:
  • Overview of CDBG-DR
  • CDBG-DR Action Plans, Citizen Participation, and Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
  • CDBG-DR Program Planning, Administration and Activity Delivery
  • Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System (DRGR)
  • Duplication of Benefits
  • Environmental Review

Who Should Attend?

This webinar series is designed for new CDBG-DR and National Disaster Resilience Competition (NDRC) grantee staff. This webinar series is a basic overview of the requirements and key topics listed above. As space permits, partners such as subrecipients and developers may attend and more seasoned CDBG-DR grantee staff.

Schedule of Webinar Deliveries:

Webinar Title Date Registration
2016 Overview of CDBG-DR Webinar
March 15, 2016
2:00 PM EDT
Register Now
2016 CDBG-DR Action Plans, Citizen Participation, and Limited English Proficiency Webinar March 17, 2016
2:00 PM EDT
Register Now
2016 CDBG-DR Program Planning, Administration and Activity Delivery Webinar March 29, 2016
Save the Date
2016 Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System Webinar March 31, 2016
Save the Date
2016 Duplication of Benefits Webinar April 7, 2016
Save the Date
2016 Environmental Review Webinar April 21, 2016
Save the Date
Registration for all trainings is not yet available. An email will be sent out through this mailing list when registration opens.

How to Register for the 2016 CDBG-DR Webinar Series

To access the registration page, please follow the instructions below carefully.
If you have a HUD Exchange Account:
  1. Go to the 2016 CDBG-DR Webinar Series page
  2. Select Register Now, for your preferred webinar located under the heading Schedule of Webinar Deliveries 
    You will be directed to your preferred webinar's training page
  3. Select the Register Now button next to the date and time
    You will be directed to HUD Exchange Learn, if you are logged into your HUD Exchange account. If you are not logged in, you will be asked to log in before being directed to HUD Exchange Learn
  4. Select the Class, under the heading Scheduled Classes
  5. Select the Enroll in this Class button
  6. Select the Launch button, under the heading Activities
  7. Complete the webinar sign-in form and click the Register button
    You will be sent an email reminder with a personalized link to access the Webinar
If you do not already have a HUD Exchange Account:
  1. Go to the HUD Exchange (
  2. Click Login to My HUD Exchange
  3. Click Create an Account
  4. Fill out the Personal Information and Login Information sections
  5. Click the Step 2 button
  6. Click the Register button (All fields in Step 2 are optional, and you may register without completing this section.)
  7. Your account has been created. You will receive a confirmation email
    Please proceed with registration instructions for “If you have a HUD Exchange Account”

Training Series Point of Contact

CDBG-DR Webinar Series Registrar |
To find out more information about upcoming trainings and access materials from previously held trainings, go to HUD Exchange Training and Events.