Your Assistance Needed in the Design of HUD Exchange

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

Your Assistance Needed in the Design of HUD Exchange

HUD continues to seek assistance from HUD Exchange users who are interested in testing the design, navigation, and functionality of the HUD Exchange in 2016. Testing participants will navigate the HUD Exchange website and prototypes based on a list of common scenarios as well as their past experience.

Individuals who are eligible for testing must meet the following two criteria:
  1. Be a HUD grantee, including state and local governments, nonprofits, Continuums of Care, Public Housing Authorities, and Tribes.
  2. Be available for a 30-minute to one-hour usability testing session. The testing session will be conducted online using web conferencing technology. You must have access to the internet and a phone during testing.

If you are interested in participating in usability testing this year, please provide your contact information by Wednesday, March 9, 2016 using the following link:
All of those who express interest will be contacted to determine if they available to participate in upcoming or future sessions.