FY 2016 HOME and HTF Homeownership Value Limits Effective May 2, 2016
HUD has issued new HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Homeownership Value Limits (“95% limits”) for 2016 that are effective May 2, 2016. In 24 CFR 92.254(a)(2)(iii) of the Final Rule published on July 24, 2013 and effective August 23, 2013, HUD established new homeownership value limits for HOME PJs. In addition, 24 CFR 93.305(a)(1) of the HTF Interim Rule states that HUD will provide limits for affordable newly constructed housing and existing housing based on 95 percent of the median purchase price for the area.
View the HOME Homeownership Value Limits.
View the HTF Homeownership Value Limits.
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