NHSDC 2016 Spring Conference

NHSDC Spring Conference
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The 2016 NHSDC conference in Los Angeles was a great success!

Over the course of the two days a variety of topics were covered by amazing partners throughout the US and Canada.

Josh Decell of LAHSA arranged for a tour of several amazing programs. Participants’ first stop was the LA LGBT Youth Center, home of the LA CES pilot for youth. The next stop was the coordinated entry family assessment center operated by People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) in central LA. Finally, the group made their way to LAMP Village in Downtown’s Skid Row. LAMP Village was a critical hub of the early CES efforts targeting veterans chronically individuals and continues to lead the effort in the region. Altogether, those on the tour got to see coordinated entry in action across regions and populations. A huge thank you to the agencies that hosted the group throughout the day!

Some data! 187 people attended the conference and for nearly 40% it was their first time. People hailed from 33 states and from Puerto Rico and Alberta, Canada. California was well-represented with 25% of attendees from 16 different locations in the state. Everyone from executive leadership, CoC coordinators, HMIS administrators/technicians/consultants/analysts, etc., HUD and other TA providers, and more, attended the conference. This geographic and professional mix is a goal for NHSDC conferences and we are proud to be able to bring everyone together to talk shop for a couple days.

Thank you for helping us to advance a technology culture in human services. We hope you and your colleagues will be able to join us in New Orleans for the 2016 Fall conference October 13th-14th. Be on the lookout for the call for proposals soon.

If you are interested in joining the 2017 spring conference planning committee please email NHSDC at info@nhsdc.org.