SSVF Program Update April 7, 2016


1.     Quarterly Certifications Now Available in GIFTS – Due April 20, 2016
2.     New AMI limits for 2016
3.     Update on Q2 Program Changes
4.     Additional Clarification:  Guidance Regarding SSVF Travel Costs Related to Training (follow up from March 25 email)
5.     Register for the National SSVF Webinar on April 21, 2016:  CARF and COA Accreditation Standards Overview

Quarterly Certifications Now Available in GIFTS – Due April 20, 2016

Beginning this fiscal year, the SSVF Program Office no longer requires Quarterly Narrative and Financial Report submissions.  In place of this reporting grantees are expected to complete a Quarterly Certification.  This month's certification will cover the time period of 10/1/2015 – 3/31/2015 (note: Q1 & Q2).  The certification covers multiple SSVF program requirements including: compliance with the final rule, grant agreement, data quality criteria, staff training, and fiscal management.  PDF version of the requirement form is attached for your awareness (please do not submit this PDF to the Program Office).  Submissions are due no later than April 20th via the GIFTS grants management system.

New AMI limits for 2016

Please note that HUD has published a new AMI limit for 2016. These became effective on March 28, 2016 and can be found at:

Update on Q2 Program Changes

The SSVF Program Office has received and reviewed all Q2 program change requests submitted by the March 1st, 2016 deadline.  As these submissions have required more revisions than expected, there will be delays getting our notifications out to the field.   Please expect to receive a response no later than close of business April 8th, 2016.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  Additional resources and training on the submission process will be made available to grantees in the coming weeks.

Additional Clarification:  Guidance Regarding SSVF Travel Costs Related to Training (follow up from March 25 email)

Please note that the guidance issued on March 25 is in addition to the requirement that grantees can only charge the SSVF budget for training amounts as allowed by their budget. Charges in excess of budgeted levels would require a program change request. As any training required by VA, such as launch meetings and regional meetings must be covered by this line item, funds available for other optional training are the dollars left after VA required activities have been paid (all VA training costs are related to travel as VA does not charge for training). Grantees cannot charge their staff or the staff of their sub-contractors to attend training sponsored by the lead grantee or a sub-contractor of the grant. The lead grantee has a responsibility to supervise and manage staff and cannot charge staff or contractors to carry out this function. If additional staff are necessary to carry out supervisory responsibilities, the grantee should contact their SSVF Regional Coordinator to explore a program change request.

We encourage grantees to collaborate with their community partners to develop local training opportunities that can be shared with staff at no cost. In addition to being no cost, this can further local collaboration and coordination efforts.

Register for the National SSVF Webinar on April 21, 2016 at 2:00 PM Eastern

Please register for the SSVF Webinar Series: CARF and COA Accreditation Overview for SSVF Providers on Apr 21, 2016 2:00 PM Eastern at:

The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and The Council on Accreditation (COA) will present an overview of the accreditation process and standards.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

NOTE:  If you are receiving this email in error, please disregard.  We request your patience as the SSVF Program Office continues to address system issues with the grants management database.

Thank you,

SSVF Program Office