Submitting 2016 HIC and PIT Count Data - Deadline Reminder

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

Submitting 2016 HIC and PIT Count Data - Deadline Reminder

2016 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) count data must be submitted via HUD’s Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) web portal by 7:59:59 PM EDT on Monday, May 2, 2016. Continuums of Care (CoCs) should consider the following issues as they prepare to submit their data.
  1. HIC and PIT Count Data in the Annual CoC Program Competition

    Meeting the HIC and PIT count data submission deadline is a factor considered by HUD in the annual CoC Program Competition. Submitting the HIC and PIT count data in HDX is a two-step process, and both steps must be submitted on time for your submission to be considered complete:
    • HIC data must be submitted via the HIC Reporting Status page
    • PIT count data must be submitted via the PIT Reporting Status page
  2. 2016 HIC and PIT Count Data Collection and Submission Guidance

    Guidance on collecting and entering HIC and PIT count data via the HDX is available for download from the PIT and HIC Guides, Tools, and Webinars page at the HUD Exchange website.
  3. No Submission Deadline Extensions

    CoCs should consider the amount of time it may take to compile and enter information needed to meet the 2016 reporting requirements. HUD will not be granting extensions to the data submission deadline.
  4. PIT Count Submission Reminders

    As in the past, HUD expects communities to report population and subpopulation data for all homeless people counted during the PIT enumeration. Where information is missing, CoCs should apply statistically valid and locally appropriate approaches and assumptions to construct an estimate. HUD encourages CoCs to engage with local experts, including people familiar with the count and statisticians, to develop appropriately tailored assumptions and extrapolation techniques to properly adjust data prior to generating a complete PIT count report for submission to HUD.

    The sum total number of persons reported in emergency shelters, safe havens, and transitional housing projects in the PIT count fields of the HIC must match the sum total of sheltered persons reported in the PIT count.
  5. Reporting RRH Beds

    The Housing Inventory Count is a point-in-time count about beds available on the night of the count. CoCs should only report rapid re-housing (RRH) beds and units that are occupied by RRH participants on the night of the count (i.e., in their own permanent housing unit and actively enrolled in RRH on the night of the count), whether or not rental assistance was provided. RRH projects that did not serve anyone on the night of the count should close the RRH project on the “Edit Project” page in HDX and leave a note of explanation. CoCs will be able to reactivate the project next year if there are RRH participants on the night of the count.
  6. Questions

    If you have any questions about the HIC or PIT count data submissions processes, please submit your questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. To submit a question to the HDX AAQ portal, select "HDX: Homelessness Data Exchange (including PIT, HIC, and AHAR)" from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process.