Ensuring Systems are Stable for the Long Term: Training on the Federal Benchmarks at the NCHV Annual Conference
Space is limited, register today before it's too late! June 1-3 in Washington, D.C.
We know that our first priority is ending homelessness for every unique individual veteran who needs us. Many communities are now looking at their response system overall and asking "are we there yet? How do we reach a functional end to veteran homelessness? What does that mean for our community going forward?"
At the 2016 NCHV Annual Conference, you’ll hear directly from the Federal evaluators who will review your community’s application for the Federal benchmarks. Find out common issues they see and tips for the best ways to document the system you have and its long term stability. Ending veteran homelessness may be a moving target, but the participants at the 2016 NCHV Annual Conference have a step up toward documenting progress and reaching and being recognized for milestones.
Are you getting to your goals? Register for the NCHV Annual Conference today.