Upcoming: 2016 National Zarrow Mental Health Symposium: Ready for Zero - Innovative and Sustainable Solutions for Housing and Recovery

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Upcoming: 2016 National Zarrow Mental Health Symposium: Ready for Zero - Innovative and Sustainable Solutions for Housing and Recovery

Explore housing, clinical, and recovery supports, along with innovative solutions to homelessness at the 2016 National Zarrow Mental Health Symposium: Ready for Zero - Innovative and Sustainable Solutions for Housing and Recovery, September 28 - 30, 2016 at the COX Business Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The Symposium is presented through a partnership between Community Solutions, a New York-based non-profit that has organized the national campaign Zero: 2016, and Mental Health Association Oklahoma, an Oklahoma-based non-profit that is a nationally recognized leader in permanent supportive housing (PSH) and peer recovery services.

This national conference is a unique opportunity to meet and connect with other like-minded attendees who are inspired to transform the lives of people impacted by mental illness and homelessness through innovative and sustainable programs and tools.

Why You Can’t Miss It!
  • Learn a full spectrum of tools and strategies for ending homelessness and promoting long-term success in housing, including clinical services, integrated healthcare, and wraparound recovery supports.
  • Connect and share ideas with over 1,000 peers and leading experts in the field.
  • Receive critical continuing education units (CEU) and ethics hours.

To learn more, please visit the Zarrow Mental Health Symposium web page.