Homelessness Update: The CoC NOFA is out

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The coc nofa is out now
The HUD CoC Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) was posted today and we are feverishly reviewing it here at the Alliance to compare it to last year’s competition and assess how this will impact our efforts to end homelessness. Click the link below to read our observations so far. We’ll share more as we dig deeper into the notice.
What's at stake this year? »
news alert
hundreds of stories about homelessness published today
News outlets in San Francisco, with support from Seattle, New York City, San Diego and others, have spent the day publishing stories about homelessness in their communities. See them all by following #SFHomelessProject on Twitter.

A great place to start is the San Francisco Chronicle's "Solution to SF's homeless problem starts with supportive housing."
Rapid Re-Housing Performance Evaluation & Improvement Toolkit
This toolkit provides details on using the performance benchmarks from the Rapid Re-Housing Performance Benchmarks and Program Standards to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of rapid re-housing practice, both in individual programs and across a system.

Current and potential rapid re-housing providers, funders, and other stakeholders can use the toolkit to understand how effectively programs are operating and create performance improvement plans.
Access the toolkit »
housing trust fund allocation plan info available for each state
The Housing Trust Fund (HTF) website now includes allocation plan information for each state. The documents listed include
  • Draft allocation plans
  • Notices of public comment periods
  • Submitted comment letters
  • State-specific advocacy resources.
Each state’s page also lists contact information for the State Designated Entity responsible for administering HTF programming, as well as the advocacy point person.
See what's happening in your state »
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
Media coverage on homelessness puts solutions in spotlight
by naehblog
Follow along today as news outlets across the San Francisco Bay area and beyond publish stories about homelessness and solutions.
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The CoC NOFA is out now
by Jayme Day and Anna Blasco
Today, HUD released the Notice of Funding Availability for FY2016 Continuum of Care Program Competition.
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Video: Get prepared for the 2016 NOFA
by Jayme Day and Anna Blasco
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will likely release their 2016 Notice of Funding Application in the next month or so, and there are things you can do now to prepare. Watch our videos and get your community ready for the process.
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About Us

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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