NSP - Grant Closeout

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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Exchange Mailing List

NSP - Grant Closeout

This summer, HUD is launching a concerted effort to close out Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) grants for grantees who have met the grant closeout criteria. These guidelines were established in the Notice of NSP Closeout Requirements and Recapture (NSP Closeout Notice, Federal Register November 27, 2012) and the Closeout Instructions for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs Grants (CPD Notice 14-02). The process will be centered on the field offices, with HUD Headquarters and a team of technical assistance providers to make it as easy as possible for both grantees and field staff.
The principal NSP closeout criteria include the following:
  1. Line of credit funds have been spent, to the extent possible (Program Income may remain);
  2. The 25% Set-Aside Requirement is met for line of credit funds;
  3. All activities funded with any line of credit funds are complete and meet a national objective;
  4. Costs to be paid with NSP funds have been incurred; and
  5. Other grant responsibilities and regulations have been carried out.
HUD previously engaged technical assistance providers to conduct nearly 300 NSP Closeout Readiness Checks to identify grantees who met these requirements and completed other preparations to position them for grant closeout. The Readiness Checks helped identify closeout obstacles and established timelines for follow-up for grantees that were not ready to close at that time.
HUD’s closeout effort will move grantees forward with completing their closeout packages, and will initially focus on grantees who have had readiness checks. Grantees will receive support from technical assistance providers to prepare closeout packages and review them for quality and completeness before the packages are formally submitted to the field offices for review and execution of the Closeout Agreement (Closeout Package Assistance).
Technical assistance providers have been assigned to specific field offices, and they will work closely with field office staff to coordinate closeout efforts in the assigned region. Providers will:
  1. Interview grantees to ensure the closeout checklist can be completed with confidence;
  2. Examine DRGR reports to identify any inconsistencies or gaps in reporting; and
  3. Review completed closeout forms.
In the event that additional assistance needs are identified, the TA provider will discuss these needs with the field office and referrals may be made for a range of technical assistance options. Such support might include directing the grantees to the Ask-A-Question resource, customized DRGR help, or submission of requests for higher-level direct technical assistance.
Grantees who have received Readiness Checks in the past should expect to be contacted by a technical assistance provider over the coming months. Field offices who have identified other grantees who may be ready for closeout should contact HUD Headquarters to make a referral for a Readiness Check or Closeout Package Assistance. As the effort progresses, HUD will continue to review grants against the closeout criteria and additional grantees will be provided Closeout Readiness Checks and Closeout Package Assistance as appropriate.
To supplement these efforts, new and updated NSP guidance will be released in the form of webinars, live question & answer sessions, tip sheets, and memoranda to assist grantees in understanding the closeout process and troubleshooting common issues in NSP management and DRGR reconciliation.
For more information or questions related to this effort, please contact Lawrence Reyes at Lawrence.c.reyes@hud.gov or Njeri Santana at Njeri.a.santana@hud.gov in the HUD Office of Block Grant Assistance.