One Week Left! NHSDC Call for Session Proposals

One Week Left! NHSDC Call for Session Proposals
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Reminder: Call For Proposals!

Just one week left to submit your session proposals for NHSDC's Fall Conference.   Don't be left wondering why no one is presenting on a particular topic that is of interest to you when you could be the one doing the presenting!  

-Connecting Healthcare or Criminal Justice Data to HMIS?  Tell us how!
-Transforming the way your community partners work together through Coordinated Entry? Share you success!
-Helping stakeholders understand the data you're using to drive change?  Show us how you're doing it!
-Opening a closed system to share data?  Demonstrate how others can too!

In keeping with this year’s theme, Bridging Input to Impact: Learning from Data to Create Smarter Systems of Care, NHSDC welcomes session proposals with a new take on the growing need of communities to discover new ways of using data to connect service providers, expand the use of data beyond traditional boundaries and learn about tools and techniques organizations are using to achieve these initiatives.   Come share how your community is advancing HMIS and the use of data with your colleagues in New Orleans - (presenters even get a discount on conference registration!).

For additional details including topic ideas and the online proposal submission form please visit the NHSDC website.