HUD Launches Small Contractors Initiative Curriculum
The Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of the DAS for Economic Development in partnership with the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, and Office of Field Policy and Management, along with BusinessUSA and the Small Business Administration announce the launch of a new curriculum. The Small Contractors Initiative curriculum focuses on materials that will assist small contractors achieve bondable status such that they can more readily pursue federal contracting opportunities as independent firms.
The goal is to provide the information in a pre-packaged format to small business development centers and any other organization that provides technical assistance and training to small businesses. It provides the opportunity to engage with a cohort of small contractors using both face-to-face instruction as well as distance learning. The consolidation of materials to teach these topics provides local small business development organizations the opportunity to tap into a wealth of information, while using their ever-shrinking resources for this type of training in a more targeted way. In other words, organizations can focus on providing one-on-one consultations with small businesses rather than spending the time to develop the materials for use in these types of trainings.
This curriculum gives small contractors the tools they need to get a bond and set them on a path to grow their businesses. View the Small Contractors Initiative Curriculum.
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