[MARHMIS] Cloudburst Actively Recruiting

Cloudburst is actively looking to fill the following positions:​
  • CB-2016-05 Behavioral Health Senior Analyst (PH)
     - ​We are looking for a full-time Behavioral Health Senior Analyst who will provide technical assistance and training support as part of a team providing evaluation, technical assistance, and training to behavioral health projects across the country. Immediate project work is funded through the Department of Health and Human Services for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This position works collaboratively as part of a team of TA providers to build capacity in evaluation, data utilization, and data knowledge to meet state and program needs.
  • CB-2016-06 Senior Communications Analyst (LTNRM)
    ​ - ​We are ​looking for a full-time Senior Communications Analyst who will work on our portfolio of international development projects, particularly programs funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).  The Senior Communications Analyst will manage and implement strategic communications, knowledge management and training activities for these international programs and provide advisory support for similar domestic programs. who will manage and implement strategic communications, knowledge management and training activities for international programs and provide advisory support for similar domestic programs.
  • CB-2016-07 Junior Communications Analyst (HCD)
    ​ - ​We are ​looking for an entry-level full-time Junior Communications Analyst for our Landover, MD office to implement external and internal communications and knowledge management activities for the firm. This will include supporting our firm's Housing and Community Development team to support communications, knowledge management, and federal website content management activities on US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Planning and Development (CPD) programs, including HOME, CDBG, ESG, CoC, NSP, and HOPWA.
  • CB-2016-08 HMIS Analyst (HCD)
     - ​We are looking for a ​qualified ​Senior Analyst to join ​our HCD Team in providing technical assistance, training, outreach, and implementation support to non-profit organizations, local, State, and Federal government clients. This position requires at least ​3 years of experience working directly with HUD's Homeless/Continuum of Care Programs (CoC), Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS), and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG).
  • CB-2016-09 HMIS Senior Analyst (HCD)
    ​ - ​We are looking for a ​qualified ​Senior Analyst to join ​our HCD Team in providing technical assistance, training, outreach, and implementation support to non-profit organizations, local, State, and Federal government clients. This position requires at least 8 years of experience working directly with HUD's Homeless/Continuum of Care Programs (CoC), Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS), and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG).
  • ​CB-2016-10 Data Analyst (HCD) - ​
    ​ - The HCD team is looking for a Data Analyst ​who will ​provide analytical support as part of a team providing ​d​ata ​a​nalysis and ​support ​to ​the to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Planning and Development (CPD) programs, including HOME, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), CDBG-Disaster Relief (CDBG-DR), Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA), Continuum of Care (CoC), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs.

If you know someone who may be interested to apply, please direct the applicant to our website at The Cloudburst Group Career Center or send an email to hr@cloudburstgroup.com.​ 

Kathleen E. Freeman, M.B.A.
Manager, Housing and Community Development
Solutions for Health | Housing | Land
207-582-2424 direct
207-441-8882 cell
Connect with us: Website | Twitter | LinkedIn