Homelessness Update: Watch CEO Nan Roman's speech from July conference

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Watch Nan Roman's Plenary from the 2016 National Conference on Ending Homelessness
Nan Roman at the 2016 National Conference on Ending Homelessness
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NAEH16 Conference presentations now available online
Just because you weren't able to attend the conference in July doesn't mean you can't be part of the innovation happening in the work to end homelessness. Conference presentations are now available for download
Download presentations »
news alert
nominate a young person for true colors fund's 40 of the 40 list
The 40 of the 40 list provides a platform for the 40% of youth experiencing homelessness who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning, age 18-24. Youth are the experts of their own truths, and True Colors aims to honor their voices and stories. The 40 of the 40 list gives young people a unique opportunity to become spokespeople for their communities and apply for the True Fellowship program.
Learn more and nominate a young person »
alliance events
Thursday, August 18, 1 p.m.
Learn how Your Way Home in Montgomery County, PA is leveraging public and private resources to advance key elements of their housing crisis response system, including coordinated entry, diversion, and rapid re-housing.
lessons learned from landlord engagement events
The National League of Cities (NLC) has released a brochure highlighting what they've learned about ending veteran homelessness from four landlord engagement events from four cities.
Read NLC's key lessons learned »
What CoCs should know about medicaid
Medicaid is very complicated. For those in the housing world it you'll benefit from becoming conversant in Medicaid without having to become an expert. So what should you know? Read our blog here.
Download our new toolkit on using Medicaid in PSH »
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
7 things to take away from Nan Roman's speech at #NAEH16
by naehblog
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Medicaid Monday: What should you know?
by naehblog
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We've made progress with Congress, let's keep the drumbeat going
by Steve Berg
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The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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