HUD and HHS Jointly Release Youth Specific FAQs for Coordinated Entry

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HUD and HHS Jointly Release Youth Specific FAQs for Coordinated Entry

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announce the publication of jointly developed answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the development and implementation of coordinated entry processes specific to working with runaway and homeless youth populations.
At HUD’s direction, Continuums of Care (CoCs) across the country have been implementing coordinated entry processes designed to prioritize individuals, including unaccompanied youth and families for housing resources and supportive services. In doing so, HUD and HHS have received questions from the field from CoCs and youth-serving providers. The FAQs about how to develop and implement a coordinated entry process that is responsive to, and developmentally appropriate for, the needs of youth are direct responses to those questions. These FAQs and responses should be read together, as the responses to one question may be important for understanding the responses to another.
HUD and HHS also encourage stakeholders to read the Coordinated Entry Policy Brief that HUD published in February 2015 for more detail concerning coordinated entry. It is our hope that all HHS and HUD stakeholders will use this document to engage partners in their communities in the coordinated entry process. This includes youth serving organizations, child welfare agencies, school systems, systems of justice, and workforce system partners.