Information for Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Grantees: How to Gain Access to IDIS

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Information for Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Grantees: How to Gain Access to IDIS

The Housing Trust Fund (HTF) was implemented in HUD’s Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) on Monday, July 25, 2016. HUD requires HTF grantees to use IDIS when committing funds to HTF-assisted projects, disbursing HTF funds for eligible costs, and reporting HTF accomplishments. HTF grantees must complete an IDIS Online Access Form in order to gain access to the system for HTF. The form must be signed by the grantee official approving the user request. This signature must be notarized. The completed, signed, and notarized IDIS Online Access Form should be submitted to the HTF grantee’s local HUD field office for final signature and processing. Please note that current IDIS users that have user rights for other CPD programs (e.g., HOME, CDBG, ESG, HOPWA, etc.) must complete a new IDIS Online Access Form for the HTF program.
Please submit any questions regarding IDIS access for HTF to your local HUD field office, or the Ask a Question (AAQ) portal located on the HUD Exchange. To submit a question to the IDIS AAQ portal, select “IDIS: Integrated Disbursement and Information System” from the “My question is related to” drop down list on Step 2 of the question submission process.