Reminder: Requirements for HTF Provisions HUD Notice CPD-16-14 Webinar - September 20, 2016 - 1:30 PM EDT

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Reminder: Requirements for HTF Environmental Provisions HUD Notice CPD-16-14 Webinar - September 20, 2016

HUD’s Office of Environment and Energy (OEE), with the Office of Affordable Housing Programs (OAHP), is pleased to announce a webinar on the requirements contained in the CPD-16-14 Requirements for Housing Trust Fund Environmental Provisions.
This webinar will provide Housing Trust Fund (HTF) grantees and subgrantees with guidance on how to meet the Environmental Provisions for new construction and rehabilitation that are required for HTF projects under the Property Standards at 24 CFR § 93.301(f)(1) and (2). The webinar will also explain how Environmental Reviews under 24 CFR Part 50 and Part 58 must meet the HTF Environmental Provisions when combining HTF funds with other HUD funding sources.
Participants will learn the following:
  • The HTF Environmental Provisions for New Construction and Rehabilitation
  • How to determine and document compliance with the HTF Environmental Provisions for New Construction and Rehabilitation
  • How to meet the HTF Environmental Provisions when combined with other HUD Funds under 24 CFR Part 50 and 58

Who Should Attend?

The Requirements for HTF Environmental Provisions HUD Notice CPD-16-14 Webinar is relevant to HTF grantees. This webinar is limited to 300 participants and registration for this training will close 24 hours before the webinar begins.

Schedule of Webinar Delivery:

Webinar Title Date Registration
Requirements for HTF Environmental Provisions HUD Notice CPD-16-14 Webinar September 20, 2016
1:30 PM EDT
Register Now

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