SSVF HMIS Year End FY16 + FY17 Requirements
Hi Team,
I have a cell phone again (267-683-2386). Thanks so much for your patience during the phone transition. I am including a few additional updates below:
· I am going to be out of the office tomorrow 9/23, Monday 9/26, and Thursday and Friday 9/29 and 9/30 for official VA travel. I will be responding to emails, but there may be a slight delay. · If you have an emergency, please feel free to call or text me.
· Also, I am catching up on emails from the phone transition. I have about 10 grantees who need responses. I should be sending you replies today.
· If you emailed me and have not received a response by this evening, please feel free to resend the email.
HMIS Webinar at 2pm
· I am attaching the slides from today's 2pm webinar in case they are helpful to you and your team. · Just to clarify, the repository will open on 9/26.
· If you have any questions, please let me know.
All Region Call Next Week on 9/28
· As a reminder, we have our All Region Call next Wednesday 9/28 at 2pm EST. · The call in information is 1-800-767-1750 Code: 15589.
· Our goal is to get the agenda out to you by tomorrow in prep for next week.
· Please ensure that at least one person from your grant participates in the call. It might be helpful to print or save the agenda when you receive it so that you can take notes.
Thanks so much! Have a wonderful weekend!