SSVF Program Update October 14, 2016
Hi SSVF Team,
I hope that you are doing well. This was the Program Update from Friday. The information is very, very important. I need you to review the actual update in detail below and to fully understand all of the information that has been shared. If you have questions, please let me know.
I also made a quick chart to help you with the information, but this chart should not replace your thorough read of the Program Update.
Due Date
Submission Process
FY17 Grant Resolution
11/14/16 Close of Business
SSVF Companion Guide to Grant Resolutions (Includes FY17 Gaps Analysis Tool Overview)(Bullets 4 under SSVF Online Grants Management)
Budgets may not be changed during the resolution process this year. Please see the 10/7 Program Update.
Please review the materials, prep your questions, and then attend the national webinar on 10/20.
Gaps Analysis Tool
11/14/16 Close of Business
Submission via email to Regional Coordinator
Gaps Analysis Tool (Bullets 12 and 13 under SSVF Toolkit)
Please review the materials, prep your questions, and then attend the national webinar on 10/20.
Please note that there will only be one submission per CoC, similar to the community planning updates that we have required in the past. Please read the instructions/participate in the webinar for more information.
P1 Grantees Only:
FY16 Quarter 4 Certification
See date assigned in the requirement in GIFTs
The requirement will be available later this afternoon in GIFTs.
P2 Grantees:
FY16 Close Out
See date assigned in the requirement in GIFTs
Financial expenditures excel workbook will be sent via email.
End of Year Financial Expenditures Report Companion Guide (Bullet 5 under SSVF Online Grants Management)
The requirement will be available later this afternoon in GIFTs.
HHS Final Subaccount Transfers
· Please read the detailed information below.
Grantees on Extension: Notification to SSVF When Extension is Complete
· Please see below on the process and what is required.
SSVF National Webinar
· The national webinar is this Thursday. Please register using the link below. Please prepare for the webinar by reviewing the FY17 Grant Resolution Guidance and Gaps Analysis Tool.
Regional Meetings
· Thanks for attending the regional meeting. It was so great to see you. Please see below for the link to the materials. I know that many grantees wanted to use the materials with their own work, and I expect those participants who joined us at the meeting to share the information with their team.
Thanks so much!
From: Foley, Sandra
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 3:59 PM
Subject: SSVF Program Update October 14, 2016
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 3:59 PM
Subject: SSVF Program Update October 14, 2016
1. Grantee Action Required in GIFTS: FY 2017 Grant Resolution and SSVF Gaps Analysis Process
2. Grantee Action Required in GIFTS: FY 2016 Quarter 4 Certification for P1 Grantees and FY 2016 Grant Closeout for Renewal Grantees
3. Register for SSVF National Webinar on October 20, 2016 at 2PM EDT
1. Grantee Action Required in GIFTS: FY 2017 Grant Resolution and SSVF Gaps Analysis Process
Grantees can now access the FY 2017 Resolution Requirement form within their GIFTS user account. Please refer to the Grant Resolution Companion Guide at ssvf/index.asp?page=/official_ guide/reporting_and_ monitoring_requirements under the GIFTS section of the webpage. This guide provides grantees with details on each section of the online requirement form, as well as the instructions for completing the SSVF Gap Analysis Tool. Deadline for submission is close of business on Monday, November 14, 2016.
Grantees must complete the Resolution requirement form within GIFTS and are expected to work with their community partners to complete an SSVF Gap Analysis Tool for each CoC with SSVF providers. Please contact your Regional Coordinator if you have questions or concerns. Access the SSVF GIFTS portal at SID_2115/?SA=AM.
The Gaps Analysis Tool is also posted in the SSVF Toolkit section of SSVF University: ssvf/index.asp?page=/ssvf_ university/community_ coordination_and_plans.
*Please note that the SSVF National Grantee Webinar on October 20th at 2:00 PM Eastern Time will provide an overview of the Resolution process and the SSVF Gaps Analysis Tool.
2. Grantee Action Required in GIFTS: FY 2016 Quarter 4 Certification for P1 Grantees and FY 2016 Grant Closeout for Renewal Grantees
NOTE: Priority 1 Grantees are not required to complete grant close out activities. Instead, they are required to complete the FY 16 4th Quarter Certification requirement form in GIFTS, as grantees have done in the past. These online requirement forms are currently active within the account of the GIFTS account holder. Please refer due date assigned within the requirement form. Access the SSVF GIFTS portal at SID_2115/?SA=AM.
For all other SSVF grantees with renewal grant terms that ended on 9/30/16, including extended grants, the online GIFTS requirement form is now available to begin completing the final close out activities for the FY 16. Grantees will complete the Grant Closeout requirement form, which is similar to the Quarterly Certification form that has been completed in the past. However, the Grant Closeout requirement form has additional elements related to closeout activities. Grantees will be asked to certify compliance with the Federal Financial Report FSR, their intent to complete the single audit within the established timeframe, and grantees will also be required to attach their final FY 16 Financial Expenditures Report to the form. A Companion Guide for completing the End of Year Financial Expenditures Report is available at ssvf/index.asp?page=/official_ guide/fiscal_administration.
It is important to note that the SSVF Program Office will provide grantees with a customized Financial Expenditures Report workbook (Excel) via email. The email will include the Companion Guide and links to fiscal administration close out material. Please note the due dates assigned within your grant program's online requirement form. If you have questions, please contact Access the SSVF GIFTS portal at SID_2115/?SA=AM.
Please be reminded that HHS Subaccount Transfers will be processed on the 1st and 15th of October, November and December 2016. Grantees that require a final transfer of funds among the HHS subaccounts in order to complete the grant close must use HHS Subaccount Template to prepare the transfer request. Submit this form to your Regional Coordinator for review and processing. Please do not submit to the SSVF general inbox. To avoid denials of the subaccount transfer requests, please access your HHS grant account within the Payment Management System and carefully review the authorized subaccount balances, as any Program Changes granted throughout the year may have resulted in changes to these authorized balances. If you have questions about how to complete the template or verify your authorized subaccount balances (prior to submitting your request) please contact your Regional Coordinator. The template is available at ssvf/index.asp?page=/official_ guide/fiscal_administration.
NOTIFYING VA WHEN YOUR FY 2016 EXTENSION IS COMPLETE: For grantees currently on a 30-day extension for their FY 2016 grant, the SSVF Program Office will activate FY 2017 subaccounts in HHS on November 1, 2016. If your agency completes the FY 2016 program goals prior to October 31, you must notify your Regional Coordinator of the date your extension ends. It is essential that both the grantees and the SSVF Program Office document the specific day the FY 16 grant extension ends, for future auditing purposes. This will also allow for the timeliness of completing final payment requests of FY 16 funds and activating the FY 17 funds. Your agency must draw all of the FY 16 funds in order for the FY 17 funds to be activated. Grantees who will have a remaining balance of FY 16 funds to be returned to VA must confirm this with their request to activate FY 17 subaccounts in HHS.
3. Register for SSVF National Grantee Webinar on October 20, 2016 at 2PM EDT
Topic: SSVF FY 2017 Program Planning
The SSVF National Grantee Webinar will review the FY 2017 Resolution Process, the SSVF Gaps Analysis Tool, and provide updates related to the SSVF Program Guide.
Please register at https://attendee.gotowebinar. com/register/ 7008590958564303108.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Thank you to all of the grantees who participated in the FY 16 Fall Regional Meetings over the last several weeks and helped make these events a success. The materials provided at the meetings are now available on SSVF University at ssvf/index.asp?page=/ssvf_ university/program_launch_ regional_meeting_materials.
Thank you,
SSVF Program Office
NOTE: If you are receiving this email in error, please disregard. We request your patience as the SSVF Program Office continues to address system issues with the grants management database.
Sandra Foley LCSW
Supervisory Regional Coordinator
US Dept of Veteran Affairs
Supportive Services for Veteran Families
151 Knollcroft Road
Builidng 57 Room 242
Lyons, NJ, 07939
908 647 0180 Ext 6476
908 413 6660 (BB)