SSVF Program Update September 30, 2016
Hi Team,
I apologize for the delay. This is the program update from Friday.
From: Foley, Sandra
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 12:04 PM
Subject: SSVF Program Update September 30, 2016
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 12:04 PM
Subject: SSVF Program Update September 30, 2016
1. Important: ***HMIS Data Upload for FY2016 Closeout*** Last Day to Export is 9/30/2016
2. HHS Subaccount Transfer Process for FY2016 Closeout
3. FY2017 Grant Resolution Process
HMIS Data Upload for FY2016 Closeout: Last Day to Export is 9/30/2016
The HMIS data upload period to close out FY 2016 will end on September 30, 2016. All data for FY 2016 must be entered into HMIS prior to export (through 9/30) for the final FY 2016 upload. This upload should reflect all of your grant performance for the year, including all entries, exits, services and TFA. Only data exported from HMIS and uploaded to the Repository will be considered in evaluating grantee performance.
Data collection and upload requirements for FY 2016 remain in effect until final uploads are completed by September 30, 2016. For that reason, uploads will only be accepted using CSV 4.1 format. Checklist for closing out your FY 2016 data submissions:
ð As soon as possible, check with your HMIS Administrator to ensure that you organization will able to properly export its HMIS data in CSV 4.1 to meet the upload deadline.
ð Get caught up on lingering data entry needed now.
ð Start addressing any outstanding data quality issues from your September upload now.
ð Monday, September 26 to Thursday , September 29: The Repository will be open for testing of final FY 2016 uploads
ð For each upload successfully completed a data validation report is shown on the submitting computer. Use that report to double check the accuracy of the number of client records submitted in each upload.
ð Friday, September 30 : Complete FY 2016 SSVF data must be entered into HMIS and exported by the end of the business day.
ð Friday, September 30 to October 5: Repository opens for final upload of FY2016 HMIS data.
ð New HMIS Data Standards go into effect on October 1 – HMIS CSV 4.1 exports may not be available after September 30.
ð Deadlines are final and no exceptions can be made.
ð This final upload is your last opportunity to include workload and performance data for your FY 2016 grant.
HHS Subaccount Transfer Process for FY2016 Closeout
As the end of the FY2016 grant year quickly approaches, please be reminded that HHS Subaccount Transfers will be processed on the 1st and 15th of each month, through December 15, 2016. Please use the attached template to prepare your transfer request and submit to your Regional Coordinator. Your Regional Coordinator will review and forward to the Program Office for processing. Prior to preparing your request, please carefully review your current authorized subaccount balances within the HHS Payment Management System. Program Changes throughout the year may have resulted in changes to these authorized balances. Submission of incorrect authorized subaccount balances on a grantee request will result in a denial and a new submission timeframe. If you have any questions about how to complete the template or verify your authorized subaccount balances (prior to submitting your request) please contact your Regional Coordinator.
FY 2017 Grant Resolution Process
The SSVF Program Office is currently finalizing the resolution form and the FY2017 resolution process is expected to begin in October. Similar to last year, the resolution process will be completed via a GIFTS requirement. Grantees are expected to review and (if applicable) update their service areas, projected households served, etc. Please ensure your services areas (Counties and CoCs) are consistent with your resolution. In previous years grantees could modify their budgets during the resolution process – this option will not available this year. Grantees have already submitted their FY2017 budgets, which are considered final unless the Program Office has reached out directly to your agency for clarification. Any additional budget modifications must be submitted as a program change.
Thank you,
SSVF Program Office
NOTE: If you are receiving this email in error, please disregard. We request your patience as the SSVF Program Office continues to address system issues with the grants management database.