Invitation to Advocacy Call on Homelessness and Medicaid Jan 11th

National Advocacy Call: Preserving Medicaid and its Role in Ending Homelessness

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 3:00pm EST

The National Alliance to End Homelessness and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council invite you to a call to discuss the future of Medicaid. The purpose of this call is to connect with local homeless service providers and stakeholders and ask you to advocate for the Affordable Care Act—and the Medicaid Expansion specifically—with  your members of Congress.

The call will provide information on proposed changes to Medicaid being discussed in Congress and the information you can provide that will best promote Medicaid's effectiveness in improving health and lowering costs. The webinar will provide talking points and tools for reaching out to your members and will provide time for questions.

Please register for this call and share this invitation with anyone in your community who may be interested in helping us advocate.

Register Here

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