
Showing posts from January 14, 2016

SSVF Special Edition Email Update: Jan 13, 2016 (Please Read)

Hi Team, Please refer to the below program update email and attachments. The version that you received yesterday had links to SSVF website. I am attaching the pdfs in case you had trouble accessing the links. We will cover in more detail on our Super Region call next week.  Please do not access the SurveyMonkey link until you are ready to complete the questions for community(ies).  Survey questions and guidance are provided in the attached documents.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks so much! Adrienne From: SSVF Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 8:05 AM Subject: SSVF Special Edition Email Update: Jan 13, 2016 Importance: High As a follow up to Program Update on December 22 nd , we would like to provide you with additional information on the Community Plan submission due on Friday, January 29 th . Submission Format ·          *New*: The format for community plan subm...

Upcoming: Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model Webinar - Overview & Application Requirements

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Upcoming: Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model Webinar - Overview & Application Requirements Yesterday, HUD announced that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is currently accepting applications for the Accountable Health Communities (AHC) model through March 31, 2016. Continuum of Care (CoC) and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program-funded recipients and subrecipients are encouraged to identify whether health reform innovators in their communities are intending to apply and partner with those organizations to ensure that the ...

HUD’s SHOP Program Under New Management!

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD's SHOP Program Under New Management! HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) is pleased to announce the transfer of the oversight and management of the Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) from the Office of Affordable Housing Programs to the Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development (ORHED), under the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Development, effective December 16, 2015. View the full announcement .      ...

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Currently Accepting Applications for the Accountable Health Communities Model

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Currently Accepting Applications for the Accountable Health Communities Model Many of the biggest drivers of health and health care costs are beyond the scope of health care alone. Yet, these health-related social needs are often undetected and left unaddressed. The Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model , administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), addresses a critical gap between clinical care and community services in the current health care delivery system by testing a systematic ...