
Showing posts from February 23, 2016

EMPLOYMENT OPP: Project Manager Position on Team IV (Lanham, MD)

Image ADMINISTRATOR II (222676) Monitoring and Compliance Project Manager Recruitment #16-002587-0003 DEPARTMENT DHCD - Div of Neighborhood Revitalization DATE OPENED 2/22/2016 3:59:00 PM FILING DEADLINE 3/7/2016 11:59:00 PM SALARY $22.40 - $29.08/hour (Grade 17/ Base-Step 9) EMPLOYMENT TYPE Full-Time  HR ANALYST Amy Kipersztok WORK LOCATION Prince George's  Go Back   Click HERE to apply   Click HERE to view benefits Introduction This is a contractual position with limited benefits. Work that matters.  The Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development is a national leader in community development and affordable housing. The Division of Neighborhood Revitalization seeks a positive individual with knowledge of trends in areas related to the delivery of services to low and moderate income populations seeking to move to self-sufficiency and to home...

DOL-VETS Announces Availability of $13 Million for HVRP Grants

DOL-VETS Announces Availability of $13 Million for HVRP Grants Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program funds to provide employment assistance for approximately 6,000 vets   The U.S. Department of Labor Veterans Employment and Training Service (DOL-VETS) has announced the availability of Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program funding of $13 million to provide an estimated 6,000 veterans with job-driven training for in-demand jobs to help them successfully transition from homelessness to sustainable housing and good civilian jobs. Homeless veterans may receive occupational, classroom, and on-the-job training, as well as job search and placement assistance, including follow-up services. Funds are being awarded on a competitive basis to state and local workforce investment boards, local public agencies and nonprofit organizations, and tribal governments, including fa...

Opportunities for CoC Partnerships with Home Visiting Programs

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Opportunities for CoC Partnerships with Home Visiting Programs Home visiting programs can help expectant mothers and families with young children thrive, and there are several opportunities for homeless assistance providers to partner with these programs. To further progress towards the goal of ending homelessness for families with children and youth by 2020 and ensure the well-being of young children, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently distributed guidance to the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV), Tribal...

Why Do *We* Finance Charter Schools?

Also in this issue: Reinventing the Sharing Economy * How to Make Banks Help Flint * The Mixed-Income Puzzle - Having trouble viewing this email? Click here. Also in this issue: Reinventing the Sharing Economy * How to Make Banks Help Flint * The Mixed-Income Puzzle Tuesday, February 23, 2016 Industry News NOAH Welcomes Dee Walsh as COO Dee Walsh has accepted the chief operating officer position with the Network for Oregon Affordable Housing . Walsh joins NOAH after three years as executive vice president for network and corporate affairs at the Housing Partnership Network (HPN). For 22 years prior to her work at HPN, Dee headed REACH Community Development, Inc., a nonprofit housing and community development entity based in Portland. Former FHA Commissioner Carol Galante Joins Ocwen...