
Showing posts from February 29, 2016

SSVF Program Updates February 26, 2016

Please see below for the latest SSVF Program Update.  Please note Q2 program change requests are due no later than March 1 st via the GIFTS system. From: SSVF Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 3:17 PM Subject: SSVF Program Updates February 26, 2016 Importance: High Topics: 1.      Resource:  Tax Services for Veterans 2.      Reminder:  SSVF Program Change Process 3.      Reminder:   Register for Regional Meetings Resource:  Tax Services for Veterans The VA's blog on this topic can be found at this website, .  It will take you to "Veterans and Their Families May Be Eligible to File Their Taxes Absolutely Free". There are several ways that Veterans and their families can access free tax preparation and electronic filing services— ·    ...

Now Available: Targeted Community Reinvestment: HUD’s Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program as a Financing Tool - 2016 Update Webinar

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Now Available: Targeted Community Reinvestment: HUD’s Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program as a Financing Tool - 2016 Update Webinar This webinar, held on February 10, 2016, describes how the Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program (Section 108) can serve as an important financing tool in targeting reinvestment for economic development, public facilities and improvements, and housing rehabilitation. The loan guarantees can help recipients leverage limited public resources to catalyze investment in communities, especially those facing, among other challenges, persiste...

Will a Merger Kill Your Mission?

Also in this issue: When "Highest & Best Use" Isn't * Lead the Process, Not the People * Sidestepping Charter School Debate - Having trouble viewing this email? Click here. Also in this issue: When "Highest & Best Use" Isn't ● Lead the Process, Not the People ● Sidestepping Charter School Debate Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Industry News Capital Impact Partners Names Ellis Carr as CEO In Spring 2016, Ellis Carr will succeed Terry Simonette as chief executive officer of Capital Impact Partners. Currently Capital Impact's chief financial officer, Carr previously served as senior director at Freddie Mac and worked for Deutsche Bank, domestically and abroad. Events Webinar | Network Commons: Early Childhood and the Role for Community Development | ...