
Showing posts from March 18, 2016

Upcoming: NHSDC Spring Conference

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Upcoming: NHSDC Spring Conference The National Human Services Data Consortium (NHSDC) is a collaborative organization that understands the importance of data quality and the value of using valid and reliable data for community planning and performance measurement. NHSDC has worked for over 14 years to deliver conferences that allow Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) professionals to discuss current challenges and best practices while developing a critical network of peer support. As in past years, the NHSDC conference is a HUD-approved conference....

HUD Releases New CDBG Technical Assistance Products

HUD Releases New CDBG Technical Assistance Products As a community development professional working on projects funded through the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), you may have wondered how to: Create transformative impact in your community, improving the lives of all residents and especially those with low and moderate income levels. Develop strategies that bring partners and resources together, leveraging funds and building on community assets.   Implement your program effectively, increasing the likelihood of successful projects. To help answer these questions, HUD has created Explore CDBG , a collection of online technical assistance products. This spring, HUD released seven new tec...

30 Year Celebration! Register TODAY and SAVE -- Human Services Conference -- Hosted by MCAP

Register Early Bird and SAVE! EARLY BIRD Registration! SAVE Human Services Conference - May 3-5, 2016 Greetings Everyone,  Help us celebrate MCAP's 30 years of service this spring!  We will highlight a series of activities during the 2016 Human Services Conference click here  to be held on May 3-5, 2016 at the Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel, in Towson, MD.   Maryland Governor Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr., and DHCD Secretary Kenneth C. Holt were invited to speak.    REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE NOW!    CONFERENCE OPTIONS: NEW!   We have 8 Tracks of training workshops to offer you this year.  There's something for everyone.  We have many nationally recognized trainers that will be presenting.  CEUs are available. Conference Workshops-At-Glance ,  click here . General Conference Agenda by the Day ,  click here . OH...