SSVF Program Update April 7, 2016
Topics: 1. Quarterly Certifications Now Available in GIFTS – Due April 20, 2016 2. New AMI limits for 2016 3. Update on Q2 Program Changes 4. Additional Clarification: Guidance Regarding SSVF Travel Costs Related to Training (follow up from March 25 email) 5. Register for the National SSVF Webinar on April 21, 2016: CARF and COA Accreditation Standards Overview Quarterly Certifications Now Available in GIFTS – Due April 20, 2016 Beginning this fiscal year, the SSVF Program Office no longer requires Quarterly Narrative and Financial Report submissions. In place of this reporting grantees are expected to complete a Quarterly Certification. This month's certification will cover the time period of 10/1/2015 – 3/31/2015 ( note: Q1 & Q2 ). The certification covers multiple SSVF program requirements including: co...