
Showing posts from July 26, 2016

Register Today: Q & A Session: Developing a CAPER in the eCon Planning Suite Webinar - Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 1 PM EDT

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . Register Today: Q & A Session: Developing a CAPER in the eCon Planning Suite Webinar - Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 1 PM EDT The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is holding a Question and Answer (Q&A) Webinar for all State and Entitlement grantees that develop a CAPER/PER in the eCon Planning Suite. The webinar will review key tips and participants will be able to ask questions regarding the using the eCon Planning Suite to develop a CAPER. This webinar will focus on the process and requirements for setting up and com...

FY 2016 Housing Trust Fund Income and Rent Limits

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . FY 2016 Housing Trust Fund Income and Rent Limits HUD has released the FY 2016 Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Rent Limits and Income Limits, effective July 1, 2016. They are available on the HUD Exchange at the links below. You may also access them from the Housing Trust Fund page under “HTF Program Limits.” 2016 Housing Trust Fund Income Limits 2016 Housing Trust Fund Rent Limits

CoC Competition Focus: Ending Chronic Homelessness

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . CoC Competition Focus: Ending Chronic Homelessness HUD and the Administration are striving to end chronic homelessness by the end of 2017. The FY 2016 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program NOFA continues to emphasize the importance of implementing those strategies that will help CoCs meet this goal. Earlier this month, HUD and the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) released the criteria and benchmark for what it means to end chronic homelessness, and you will hear more about these in the coming weeks. This installment of CoC Competition Foc...

Beyond the Developer Fee

Also: Trickle-Down Equity Won't Work * Why Are Biased Banks Getting High CRA Marks From Regulators? -- Having trouble viewing this email? Click here. Also: Trickle-Down Equity Won't Work ● Why Are Biased Banks Getting High CRA Marks From Regulators?  Tuesday, July 26, 2016   Shelterforce in Print!   1 Year for $18 Subscribe Now! Events Data Visualization Webinar July 27, 1 p.m. ET This NALCAB webinar will demonstrate the process of moving from spreadsheet to compelling graphics and will cover best practices in using and visualizing performance and outcome data. An SBA PRIME sub-grantee will talk about their experiences collecting baseline and outcome data and their plans to use their data in the future. ...