
Showing posts from August 15, 2016

The Annual Performance Report is Now Available in e-snaps for Recipients Funded in FY 2014

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . The Annual Performance Report is Now Available in e-snaps for Recipients Funded in FY 2014 HUD has recently updated e-snaps to allow recipients of fiscal year (FY) 2014 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program funding to submit Annual Performance Reports (APRs). The form will be available to recipients by Wednesday, August 17, 2016 after noon. HUD is aware that this late release disproportionately impacts recipients that have multiple APRs to submit. Thus, HUD is granting an extension for all FY 2014 grants that expired on or before July 31, 2016. Those APRs must be ...

FY 2016 Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program NOFA Now Available

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . FY 2016 Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program NOFA Now Available This NOFA announces the availability of $10,000,000 of FY 2016 Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) grant funds. SHOP funding is intended to facilitate and encourage innovative homeownership opportunities on a national and geographically-diverse basis. The program supports self-help housing programs that require a significant amount of sweat equity by the homebuyer toward the construction or rehabilitation of his or her home. Volunteer labor is also required. Eligible applic...

SSVF Program Updates August 12, 2016

Hi Team, Please find the latest SSVF Program Update. As always, please read the information in detail. Action Items 1.        Please make sure to share this Program Update with your fiscal team. a.        The webinar on Thursday might be helpful to them as it will discuss close out procedures. b.       The survey for extensions will also be important. You, as Program Managers, might complete it, but there should be a discussion with your fiscal team. 2.        Please register for the 2 webinars next week. 3.        Please review the information on the extension survey. If your team along with your fiscal team determine that you might need an extension, you need to complete the survey. Only those who complete the survey will receive the requirement. 4.        Please review all of the other grea...

Say What, WaPo? Declining Homeownership Isn't Good!

A Skeptic Is Won Over to CSAs * Homelessness Falls. Why? * Health Insurance Giant Funds a CDC -- Having trouble viewing this email? Click here. A Skeptic Is Won Over to CSAs ● Homelessness Falls. Why? ● Health Insurance Giant Funds a CDC Project Tuesday, August 16, 2016   Shelterforce in Print!   1 Year for $18 Subscribe Now! Subscribe to  It's free!  Click here!   Help support the voice of community development  Your Voice! Do you have a national or regional event coming up? Let us know at! Health Insurance Giant Funds a CDC Project David Adame, Chicanos ...