
Showing posts from August 16, 2016

CoC Competition Focus: Housing First

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . CoC Competition Focus: Housing First Housing First is a proven approach in which all people experiencing homeless are believed to be housing ready and are provided with permanent housing immediately and with few to no preconditions, behavioral contingencies, or barriers. Effectively implementing a Housing First approach involves prioritizing people with the highest needs and vulnerabilities, engaging more landlords and property owners, and making our projects client-centered spaces without barriers to entering and remaining in the project. This Competition Fo...

Policing in Baltimore in black and white | Baltimore Brew

The magnitude of the unconstitutional stopping, searching and harrassing of African American people in Baltimore  documented  by the U.S. Justice Department last week was, even for those who have experienced it for generations, breathtaking. All the patterns and abuses decried for years (and, to be honest, that were cited in a raft of previous reports) were laid out by the federal government in 163 data-rich pages – this time destined to become a legally-binding consent decree overseen by an independent monitor: Excessive use of force, unnecessary stops  for minor offenses or no offenses at all , glaring racial disparities and race and  gender bias , failure to hold wrongdoers accountable and much more. We hope these info-graphics make the report more accessible and invite readers to dive deeper, as the big question looms – what needs to happen next to make city law enforcement  more effective , more just and truly accountable to the community it serve...