
Showing posts from December 22, 2016

Invitation to Advocacy Call on Homelessness and Medicaid Jan 11th

National Advocacy Call: Preserving Medicaid and its Role in Ending Homelessness ...

ARDRAW Small Grant Announcement

Get funded for your graduate student research project! Get funded for your graduate student research project! ***TIME SENSITIVE -- PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY*** Applications for Research Stipends Due: March 2, 2017 For more information and to apply : The Social Security Administration (SSA) is granting graduate students $10,000 stipends to research work, rehabilitation and disability issues through the ARDRAW Small Grant Program.  The objective of the Analyzing Relationships between Disability, Rehabilitation and Work (ARDRAW) Small Grant Program is to foster new analysis of work, rehabilitation, and disability issues, which may develop innovative and fresh perspectives on disability by providing research stipends to a broad spectrum of gradu...

Updates for the 2017 Point-in-Time Count

HUD has published additional resources to assist communities with preparation for and implementation of the 2017 Point-in-Time (PIT) count. These tools are optional but they are designed to provide insight and assistance to help communities to conduct the most accurate PIT count possible. Updated Resources Model PIT Count Surveys : In order to help communities better collect data during the PIT count, HUD published updated model surveys that reflect changes in the PIT Count reporting requirements since 2015. These surveys reflect the input of leading survey and homeless methodology experts. PIT Count Extrapolation Tool : This tool can assist Continuums of Care (CoCs) in extrapolating gender, ethnicity, and race information within each household category for people for whom the CoC was not able to collect this information. Update PIT Count FAQs : HUD has added and revised existing FAQs for conducting the PIT Count. These are available on HUD Exchange. New Resource...

Homelessness Update

A lliance O nline  N ews ...