Homelessness Update

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Alliance releases guidance on changing systems and cultures
Change is hard, but necessary. When it comes to ending homelessness, the changes communities must make can require navigating a complex set of factors.

Get started with our new guidance for communities on expanding Housing First in their system..
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HUD releases additional requirements for Coordinated ASsessment
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has expanded on their checklist of requirements for coordinated entry.

Continuums of Care must establish or update their coordinated entry process in full compliance with these requirements by Feb. 1, 2018
Read the notice and download the checklist »
Request: rapid re-housing studies
Do you know of any rapid re-housing studies? Studies can be local, state, or national; conducted by organizations or researchers; and look at rapid re-housing programs of any size.

Abt Associates is beginning a review of existing studies as part of research on the intervention. Please send a PDF of the study or the citation to Korrin Bishop at korrin_bishop@abtassoc.com by February 6.
Submit a study »
study estimates between 42,000 and 85,000 ARE homeless in tribal areas
Last week, the U.S. Department of Housing and Development (HUD) published a Congressionally-mandated report on the housing needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives in Tribal areas.

The study confirmed a long-standing belief that tribal homelessness manifests in overcrowding, rather than street homelessness. Sixteen percent of American Indian/Alaska Native households are overcrowded, in comparison to two percent of all U.S. households.
Read the report »
from the blog
Ending Homelessness Today
the official blog of the national alliance to end homelessness
Creating Systems and Culture Change around Rapid Re-Housing
by Jen Saunders
Today we are releasing a new resource, Rapid Re-Housing: Creating Systems and Culture Change, that provides guidance for communities interested or currently engaged in efforts to expand rapid re-housing.
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Why Block Granting and other changes to Medicaid will cut out people in need
by Jayme Day
The Trump Administration, along with a majority Republican House and Senate, is already working to change the Affordable Care Act (ACA). One potential change we’ve heard lots about is shifting Medicaid from an entitlement program to a block grant. While block granting is touted as a way to give states more power to innovate, changing the Medicaid program from an entitlement to a block grant will shrink the program and cut out many people in need.
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Engaging Philanthropy in Ending Homelessness
by Jen Saunders and Guest Blogger Jason D. Alexander, Principal, Capacity for Change, LLC
What resources are available to communities to support rapid re-housing (RRH)? While there are a lot sources of funding available, communities are often unsure of how to get started. In particular, developing a pool of flexible private dollars to support RRH can be critical to supporting aspects of the program that cannot be funded through federal and local funding. Here are some ways local communities have worked with philanthropy to raise funds to support RRH.
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The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to solving the problem of homelessness and preventing its continued growth.

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