Important HUD Updates
Bowman Client Update
Important HUD Updates
Per recent HUD listserv we want to pass along some important information and include relevant ServicePoint/ART Gallery information where applicable:
1) PIT/HIC Submission Deadline - The Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) will be open between 03/1/2017 and 05/01/2017 for the upload and submission of your 2017 PIT/HIC reports. All needed reports for this submission are available in the ART Gallery as shown below: • 0628 - HIC Supplemental - V7 - This report has been created to provide the client and household data needed to complete the PIT count column of the Housing Inventory Count in the HIC module of the HUD HDX. It also provides RRH counts as required. • 0629 - Housing Inventory Chart - V14 - This report produces the HMIS available elements needed for the Housing Inventory Count required by HUD. • 0630 - Sheltered-Unsheltered PIT 2016 - V19 - This report has been created to provide the client and household data needed to complete the sheltered and unsheltered portion of the “Homeless Populations” tab and the “Homeless Subpopulation” tab in the Annual Point-In-Time module of the HUD HDX. • 2017 Unsheltered PIT Survey V1 - This document has the workflow for how to enter Unsheltered clients into ServicePoint if desired. This document is available in CollaboranGo. 2) System Performance Measures - Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) will be open 04/02/2017 - 05/31/2017 for the submission of the System Performance Measures for the reporting period of 10/1/2015 - 09/30/2016 and the newly required Data Quality tab (information below). You will also have the opportunity to resubmit the prior year period as well if you have updates. These reports are available in the ART Gallery as the 0700 series of reports. 3) CoC APR - The CoC APR otherwise known as the 0625/0631 ART Gallery reports will be replaced with the Provider or "canned" CoC APR report in time for the HUD deadline of 04/01/2017. On 04/01/2017 going forward HUD will no longer accept submissions of the 0625 CoC APR format so these reports will be removed from the ART Gallery on 3/31/17. 4) Data Quality Framework – This is a new report required by HUD for all CoCs. Data Quality percentages will be submitted at the same time as the System Performance Measures via the HDX. This report will be available in mid to late March, prior to the opening of the HDX and contains Data Quality items related to missing values, data entry timeliness and Inactive Records for Street Outreach and Emergency shelter. More information about the report will be sent out in a sub-sequent NewsFlash. Please contact your CSS if you have any questions! |