News from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness

Innovative Clark County/UNLV Partnership Supports Unaccompanied Youth Transition to Higher Education 

Students experiencing homelessness during high school often have a hard time navigating the transition to college or other higher education.

Clark County, NV, and University of Nevada, Las Vegas, have built an innovative partnership to make sure that students get the support they need to successfully make the transition.

25 Cities Initiative Helped Drive Community-Level and National Progress
25 Cities Initiative logo In 2014, the VA, USICH, and HUD launched the 25 Cities Initiative to assist participating communities to intensify and integrate their local efforts, to develop coordinated entry processes, and to strengthen their partnerships to end Veteran and chronic homelessness. Between January 2015 and August 2016, these communities housed 29,499 Veterans, helping lead our national progress.

Learn more about the work in each community's highlights of their processes, outcomes, accomplishments, and plans for sustaining momentum. 

Engaging Legal Services in Community Efforts to End Homelessness 
Man at computer  

People at risk-of, or experiencing, homelessness often face legal issues that can create roadblocks to accessing or maintaining safe and stable housing, employment and income supports, and health care services that can help them stabilize and pursue their goals.

This brief describes ways that engaging and partnering with legal services providers can contribute to communities' efforts to prevent and end homelessness.

We Must All Be Part of the "No Wrong Door" Approach
 to Ending Homelessness 
Open door with key
As a Program Specialist at USICH, Katie Jennings analyzes Point-in-Time count data every day. 
She offers her reflection on participating in the 2017 Point-in-Time count in Washington, DC, and what she learned from meeting the people behind the numbers.

In Case You Missed It: Rapid Re-Housing Works! 

Rapid Re-Housing Works logo The National Alliance to End Homelessness has developed a number of resources for communities that are just starting to deploy rapid re-housing and those that want to strengthen their practices.
Access their tools and resources.